
The Trustees meet quarterly in January, April, July and October to consider grant applications.

The body of Trustees consists of six Co-optative Trustees, three Nominative Trustees and one Ex-Officio Trustee.

The Co-optative Trustees are people who through residence, occupation or employment or otherwise have special knowledge of the area of benefit. They are appointed for a period of five years.

The Nominative Trustees are appointed by the Council of the Church of England Soldiers' Sailors' & Airmen's Clubs (an associated charity) for a period of four years at a time.

The Ex-Officio Trustee is the Senior Chaplain Regional Command.

All Trustees are volunteers but are entitled to reimbursement of expenses incurred on the business of the Trust.

Serving Trustees are:


Lt Col (Retd) NCN Harris

Mr JE Jerome, MBE

Reverend John WA Harvey

Mr Paul Williams MCQI

Mr Rob Duncan

Lt Col D Ruffle

Cdr MJ Pearce RN

Rear Admiral A Rymer RN


Reverend Andrew Latifa CF

All correspondence for the Trust should be addressed to:

The Clerk to the Trustees

Christine Thirkell
Aldershot Church of England Services Trust
12 New Odiham Road
GU34 1QD